Author: Oliver Woods
What Are the Main Principles of the American Christian Constitution
ABSTRACT: The best we can say is that the American Christian Constitution has a democrat heart in a republican skeleton. The oath-bound covenant to a criminal justice system based on God’s law is replaced by a social contract based on majority rule. Until American Christians come to grips with this reality there can be no deliverance. […]
What Were the Main Causes of the American Civil War
ABSTRACT: As prelude to the American Civil War most Confederate States left the union shortly after the election victory of Abraham Lincoln in November, 1860. Proof that the Civil War was not fought over slavery is the Corwin Amendment. It would have authorized any state to allow slavery. Passed by the all Northern Congress two […]
How Did Dante Alighieri Contribute to the Problem of the One and the Many
ABSTRACT: The One and the Many is the ultimate philosophical problem addressed by Dante Alighieri in the Divine Comedy and his less well known, De Monarchia. The essential problem is how to balance the need for a unitary government (the one) to maintain order in society, with the need for its citizens (the many) to […]
What Were the Major Events or Conflicts That Occurred During the Papal Revolution?
ABSTRACT: The Papal Revolution was the most significant historical pivot point of the last 1,000 years, second only to the incarnation of the Lord Jesus Christ in the past 2,000 years. The Papal Revolution of 1075-1122 followed hard on the heels of the Norman Invasion of 1066. If we don’t understand what happened at Canossa […]
How Did Alfred the Great Successors Contribute to the Development of the Legal System?
ABSTRACT: Alfred the Great played a crucial role in shaping the legal landscape of the early medieval period in England. Alfred established a restitutionary legal system, based on a verbatim copy of the Mosaic covenant from Exodus 20-23. He and his heirs reigned for the better part of two centuries leading up to the Anglo […]
What Is the Significance of Dante Alighieri’s “Inferno”?
ABSTRACT: Dante’s inferno is an epic, medieval allegory of both the journey of a soul toward God and a commentary on mankind’s ultimate political salvation. On the personal level Dante describes a system of salvation by works righteousness apart from faith in Christ. On the political level he calls for a return to the Pax […]
What Is the Genre of Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy?
ABSTRACT: The Divine Comedy genre is Epic Poetry written by Dante Aleghieri in 1321 to promote political salvation by returning to a benevolent dictator such as Caesar Augustus. To better understand it, we might consider our own situation in 21st Century America. We are ruled by a government that talks about peace, but provokes endless […]
Who Wrote the Epic Poem Paradise Lost?
ABSTRACT: Milton seeks to answer the question of Theodicy and the existence of evil. The dictionary definition of theodicy is the vindication of divine goodness and providence in view of the existence of evil. This is a major theme in Paradise Lost as Milton seeks to sound the depths of the good purpose of a […]